Don’t Miss Out! Sony Music Internship in 2024

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This Sony Music Internship is intended to offer you a thorough grasp of the music industry and to assist you in developing the skills required for a successful career in the industry. During your internship, you may be assigned duties such as performing research, aiding with marketing campaigns, attending meetings and events, and working with day-to-day operations.

To be eligible for an internship at Sony Music, you must be enrolled in an authorized college or institution and have a strong interest in music and the entertainment business. Strong communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work independently and as part of a team are also essential. Internships at Sony Music often last for a certain amount of time, ranging from a few months to a year.

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Concerning Sony Music

Sony Music is a significant record label in the world’s music industry. It is a subsidiary of Sony Corporation of America, which is a subsidiary of the Japanese multinational corporation, Sony Corporation. Sony Music is located in New York City, USA, and it has a global presence in the music industry.

This company Sony Music can trace its origins back to 1929, when the American Record Corporation (ARC) was founded. It went through various mergers and changes throughout the years, finally becoming Columbia Records. Sony purchased Columbia Records in 1987, and it eventually joined with BMG (Bertelsmann Music Group) to establish Sony BMG Music Entertainment in 2004. Sony took out BMG’s interest in 2008, renaming the firm Sony Music Entertainment.


  • Organization Name: Sony Music
  • Location: New York, United States
  • Education: Minimum Inter
  • Status: Fully Funded


  • Interning there gives a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn about the inner workings of a key player in the music industry.
  • Students can make vital connections that could lead to future job opportunities.
  • Apprentices can learn from experienced experts in sectors such as marketing, A&R (Artists and Repertoire), sales, legal, and others. This hands-on experience may be quite beneficial in terms of developing skills and understanding.
  • Interns generally have access to music libraries, industry databases, and research and knowledge-enhancing tools.
  • An internship at Sony Music may give a thorough awareness of industry dynamics, trends, and obstacles, which can be useful in any music-related employment.


  • Candidates should hold a bachelor’s degree from a recognized organization.
  • They should be under 25 years old.
  • Candidates must be able to speak English.
  • Participants must be nationals of nations that are members of the UN.


You can apply online on the official website.

Official Website


The Sony Music Internship is a fantastic opportunity for students and recent graduates to obtain hands-on experience in the music industry. Interns get the opportunity to work with business experts and contribute to the growth of Sony Music in a variety of departments and jobs that are accessible. If you are enthusiastic about music and eager to begin your career, apply for the Sony Music Internship program and take the first step toward a rewarding future in the music industry.